August Wrap Up
August was has been completely overshadowed. I don't really know how it was going before but on the 22nd my grandfather passed away. Somehow »
August was has been completely overshadowed. I don't really know how it was going before but on the 22nd my grandfather passed away. Somehow »
Somehow July is done already. Is part of getting older having the constant feeling of where did the year go lingering in the back of your »
Readathons have always been something I have always loved doing. Throughout primary school I was an enthusiastic participate in the annual MS Readathon, enjoying the thrill »
So I went to Supanova last month and have been meaning to write about it ever since. While I've been to a number of »
This post is an update on how I've gone so far in my 2016 Reading Goals. You can see my original post on these »
June is one of my favourite months. Things cool down, uni slows down and I can usually take the time to curl up with a blanket, »
Booktube is a community within the broader youtube community focused on books (obviously). I discovered it a few years ago and have been watching ever since. »
One of my aims when we moved to Sydney was to attend as many events as possible, and really take advantage of the opportunities available while »
May was really a lot more of the same. I've been feeling extra busy: feeling a little frazzled and unorganised. There is a niggling »
I've seen a fair few booktube videos of this tag, and I thought I'd have a go here on the blog. The »