Things I Like This Month: December
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer is one of my favourite series. It's got so many elements I love, fairytale retellings, an interesting range of female characters and excellent world building. The final book in the series, Winter, was a bit longer, and had more fighting scenes that usually interest me but I still absolutely loved it. The perfect ending.
I am often blown away by the intelligence and maturity and general awesomeness of some of the seriously young people on YouTube. This month, just the other week in fact, two of the most impressive of these, Nathan Zed or TheThirdPew and Rhiannon McGavin or TheGeekyBlonde posted videos that I am in awe of.
While parts of me rail again the crass commercialism of Christmas, another (pretty big) part of me totally loves all of it and wishes we could wear Christmas jumpers here in Australia. So I have been listening to a lot of Christmas music.

My sister sent me a belated birthday present which was a cushion with this awesome print by Dorothy Leigh from Society6. I love it so much.
Every part of this glorious article by Rebecca Solnit was perfect. Every paragraph I just yelling 'yes!'. It so perfectly summed up experiences I'm sure many women have had, especially those of us who studied English. Her summary is particularly apt:
I joked that there should be a list of books no woman should read, because quite a few lionized books are rather nasty about my gender, but I’d also said “of course I believe everyone should read anything they want. I just think some books are instructions on why women are dirt or hardly exist at all except as accessories or are inherently evil and empty.” And then I’d had fun throwing out some opinions about books and writers. But I was serious about this. You read enough books in which people like you are disposable, or are dirt, or are silent, absent, or worthless, and it makes an impact on you. Because art makes the world, because it matters, because it makes us. Or breaks us.